Friday, March 07, 2008


So many of you know that I joined the church when I was 17 years old (at the beginning of my senior year of high school). I would have loved to have attended seminary but there was no way I could fit it in. I had a zero period class and then after school I had flag practice and other school meetings, and after that I went to my after school job at the Antioch Public Library! My days were jam packed.

Well today I went to seminary!!! I was asked to give this month's devotional and I was so relieved that I was given an open topic. I really enjoy being with the youth and have served in some compacity with the youth for 5 of the last 7 years! I was concerned about the early hour (I am not a morning person and 6:30am is early for me). But I was surprised - I really shouldn't have been though. I kind-of liked getting up that early (the scriptures are true and we were given a suggestion to go to bed early and rise early - so that we can be wise, right?). Well it was just a great experience. My devotional was based on my favorite holiday, Easter, and I was so glad to talk about what Jesus did the last week of his mortal ministry.

Something I always love about teaching or giving talks, is the studying and preparing for it. I always get so much out of it!!! I love to learn and have so much to learn about the gospel that every chance I get to study more deeply is great!

1 comment:

Stefany said...

What a fun day to go to seminary when your not used to it...daylight savings time.Oh wait, was it early morning seminary? I often think that being a seminary teacher would be a "dream calling" but I don't know if I could be patient enough.
Thanks for stopping by!
I am adding you to my blog roll!
Also - I LOVE those purses ! SOOOO crafty !



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