Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Some Will Always Say Your Wrong

Derek Sivers recently wrote something that really speaks to me! People think they know what my intentions are, without asking me what they are. It's assumed that because I am a type A, super involved, energetic, etc.... person, that I need to take over everything and in a particular situation that I am facing, I know that my intentions are good and true. That I do not desire to take over but because I am a leader I have certain responsibilities and obligations to oversee and therefore I need to be engaged and informed. Here's his quote:
"Some people are into money. Some aren’t.
Some people are inspired by helping the needy. Some aren’t.
Some are into fame, power, and prestige. Others are into anonymity and freedom from responsibility.
It gets more interesting when you realize people have different preferences in the different parts of their life. Famous online, but anonymous in their local community. Generous with time, stingy with money. Introvert when working, extrovert when not.
You have to know your preferences well, because no matter what you do, someone will tell you you’re wrong.
If you’re not into money, many people will say you’re foolish.
If you’re not into charity, many people will say you’re greedy.
If you’re not into crowds, many people will say you’re missing out.
Some careers come with excuses:
The classic novelist thrives in solitude. Alone in a cabin in the woods, writing books that reach millions.
The classic journalist thrives in a crowd. Talking with everyone, building the story from a thousand accounts.
The shy librarian. The aggressive lawyer. The flaky artist. No explanation needed.
But some careers need explanations when you go against the mold:
The entrepreneur who’s not into money.
The musician who avoids crowds.
The ambitious conservationist.
The artist into discpline.
The rich poet.
But if you expect this criticism in advance, and take pride in your stance, you can bash on with a smile, being who you want to be.
Then every time they say you’re wrong, that’s a sign you’re doing it right."

May we all strive to seek to understand and to love!!! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dallin advances to Boy Scouts

Dallin earned his Webelos rank and achieved his Arrow of Light in April. He was very excited to be finished with Cub Scouts and move on to Boy Scouts. 

 Getting ready to cross over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts

 Dallin is pinning me with the parent pin. He and I had a nice time working on his Cub Scout rankings.

 We are very pleased with his efforts and look forward to helping him work towards his goal to become an Eagle Scout.

Stepped Away for awhile!

There has been something missing in my life! I thought walking away from blogging would give me the time I was needing, but in the end I realized it was my journaling time and once I walked away I also stopped my journaling. SOOOO, even though I am busier than I ever was, I NEED to blog and keep our family journal going!

So, I invite you to take a peak at my journal, although I do keep a separate blessings and scripture reading journal, I do plan to catalog our daily adventures. Sometimes those adventures are awesome, sometimes they are nutty, and sometimes they are frustrating! So my disclaimer is that these are my thoughts and feelings, please don't be critical of me and my randomness, or my type A-ness, or my ________ (fill in the blank).

So look out, I'm BACK!!!!

We like to keep our photo sessions fun by having silly poses mixed in with the serious ones!

 Crazy? Who, me?

Oh Carson!!!!

 Dallin will be 11 in a few weeks!

 Carson is 7! 

Hudson is 2!
More to come,


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