Friday, June 27, 2008

Surprise Friday's

A few weeks ago a friend of mine shared something that she does with her children during the summertime and I absolutly loved it (Thanks Debbie)! So every Friday during summer vacation (we had to start today since I was gone on the 13th and the 20th was a full day of remodeling), I will be surprising the boys with fun destinations throughout Sacramento!
So this morning I had the boys get dressed and eat breakfast and told them that a surprise was waiting for them once they were done! I called my girlfriend and invited her and her son to come along for the fun. Once we were ready to go we got in the car...

Dallin was pretty excited to see where we were headed!

Carson was just happy to be along for the ride in the "go-go" (car)!

After a short car ride we pulled up in front of...

and here is my boys reaction...

They look thrilled huh? They were waiting for his buddy to arrive. Carson was not sure where we were.

But once inside They didn't waste any time playing. We have been trapped indoors because of the horrible smoke that has lingered in our air since Monday, creating a thick haze. So they were thrilled to get to play outside! The air was still pretty bad, but a few hours is all they needed.

Chasing ducks!

Alex sliding down the shoe slide.

3 little Indians

Me and Carson. Let's just say that wasn't the most comfortable slide I have ever been on!
Dallin and Alex getting ready to slide!

Carson pumping water! He was so curious about it!

So cute!

Alex and Dallin striking a pose!

Me and the boys!
My best friend Lydia and her guy Alex

We have a functioning bathtub!

So here is the proof that the tub is working! I will update more pictures of the bathroom soon!

What a lovely day!

So my birthday was great! My boys were, well being little boys (they didn't quiet understand that it was my birthday for they fought continually, thought it would be fun to not take naps, etc...They didn't get the memo that I'm the queen for the day and should be treated as such - what a shame : -); my girlfriend came over to watch them while she sent me to a scrapbook store with a gift certificate (Thanks Ramona); I had loving family members call and sing to me and wish me happy birthday (it was great); Ryan arranged for the boys to go over to Great Grandma's house so that we could go out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants - Benihana's; and to top it all off - I just felt so loved! Nothing better for your birthday than that! Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

Monday, June 23, 2008

31 years ago today...

...on a sunny Thursday afternoon, Megan Cathleen was born, 7lbs 4ozs and 20 in. tall!

Please allow me a trip down memory lane. Yes it's my bday, and I'm not posting this to get a response, but to share with you how grateful I am to be alive!

I am so grateful to my mom for being her and for loving me in her way and making sure I had happy memories. Thank you mom for your sacrifices, unconditional love, rides to practices (dance, gymnastics, flags, track, etc...), my braces, help with college, and so on and so on. Thanks for raising me to think for myself, to be a responsible adult, and ultimately for allowing me to make choices for myself!

Just a few days old!

1 year old Meg's

Me at 4 years

My 6th grade picture

Me and my best friend Lori at a football game (I twirled flags in the marching band).

My senior year, 1995 (no I wasn't a cheerleader, this was our day uniform for the flag squad. I did cheerlead in college though).

Ryan and I at my graduation from California State University, Sacramento - 2000

My preschool class at Merryhill. I taught the 3 year olds for a few months and then they moved me to be the teacher of the 2 year old class (12 - 2yr olds).

Me and my bestfriend, Lori at her babyshower - January 2008. (I had to put this picture in there since I have a picture of us from H.S.

I have a great life! I am so grateful to my family: my husband who went to work a little late today to let me sleep in and he even made me breakfast, to my boys who help me grow everyday, to my extended family for loving me for me, and to my friends - thank you for putting up with me through my ups and downs (I appreciate your support more than you know).

Remodel Update

We are so close to being finished. Ryan has been working so hard! Another day or so and we will have a finished bathroom. Progress was a little slower this week since Ryan was back at work (he's also working on his MBA and has a pretty involved class right now). So we've gotten the tile grouted and sealed, the first coat of paint, the bead board is up along with the baseboards and chair rails, the door has been installed to open the other direction and the electrical work is finished. So we just have some more grouting to finish, install of the toilet and sink, and then the last coat of paint and then we will be installing hooks, shelves and other bathroom fixtures. So close!!!!

Swim Lessons

Peanut #1 finished a two week swim class, last week, through Cottage Pool and he loved it! He and his buddy, Big A took semi-private lessons and their favorite parts were jumping off the diving board and going down the water slide!

Getting out of the pool

Big D going down the waterslide!

Diving board fun - CANNONBALL!

Big D, his buddy Big A, and Collin (their instructor)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy 6th B-Day Dallin!

I can't believe that 6 years ago today little Peanut #1 came into the world! We waited awhile for him to arrive and he was worth the wait! Most of you know that after 4 years of marriage, 2 miscarriages, an entire pregnancy of throwing up and iv's, an 18 hour labor (that was induced because he was 1 1/2 weeks overdue), and eventually having a c-section.... Big D arrived as precious as could be!

Big D is: a cuddler, a rule-folower (for the most part), sensitive, dramatic, a good dancer, good with numbers, a natural athlete, a kind big brother, artistic, playful, action figure lover, a follower of Christ, a child of God, and so many other things!

Ryan and I are thrilled to be parent's and although I do grumble about the struggles and challenges that come my way because of these little people, I would not trade it!

I am so blessed to be his mom!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Look what Ryan was doing while I was gone!

So Ryan was trying so hard to start and finish the remodel of our front bathroom while I was out of town! He got so far and I was surprised that he attempted that while I was gone! Another week or two and we will have a beautiful new bathroom!

In the slide show the first 10 pictures or so are of the old bathroom and then you get to see pictures of the demo, and the last 4 pictures are of the new bathroom tile (beautiful glass tile behind the new tub), and a nice stone floor tile (the blue things are just spacers and have already been removed.

Tomorrow I will be sanding down the doors and door jams, so that we can paint on Thursday, and we will also be grouting the tiles tomorrow! I love updating our home and making it beautiful! Stay tuned for more pictures!

Girl's Camp 2008 Slide Show!

This year's theme was "The Game of Life" and each level were different board games! The overall camp site was "Candyland," the nurse's station was "Operation," the kitchen was "Hungry Hungry Hippos," the Priesthood brothers were "Battleship," 1st Years (the level Erica and I were over) was "Hi Ho Cherry-o!," 2nd years were "Jumanji," 3rd year was "Go Fish," 4th year "Clue," Big Sister's had "Monopoly," and the Youth Leader's were "Twister." It was so much fun to see how everyone decorated to match the theme. And even though there were a few bumps along the way, I have to say that every girl there walked away with a fun and spiritual experience - I would say that is success!

So my friend Erica and I had the opportunity to be girls camp counselors together over the First Year girls! It was awesome! I am so glad that I had the chance to work with her and our girls were great! Many of you may know that I have never, NEVER, ever been to girl's camp. This was my first year too and I enjoyed it, even though I am still paying for the lack of sleep!

Enjoy the slide show:
Girl's Camp 2008 in a nutshell!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Gotta love...

... garage sale finds!!!

I found this darling basket at a yard sale for .50 cents!

Once I saw it I knew what I wanted to do with it! A nice herb garden in my kitchen! There is chocolate mint (left), 2 sage plants, rosemary in the middle, and lemon balm on the right. Almost makes me want to cook!

A pirate and a dragon

I was cleaning in the kitchen and I heard some roaring sounds coming from the front room! Looks like Captain D caught himself a mighty fine dragon!

What a cute dragon! I especially love his choice in shoes!

Captain Skinny Arms D looks so scary! He makes me laugh. Wouldn't you know that not even 30 minutes later he thought it would be a good idea to lock mommy outside and then walk away from the door! Let's just say mommy wasn't laughing anymore!

The scary pirate has his prisoner now!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

"First Grade, First Grade"

Here's the video of the song Big D's kindergarten class sang at their graduation! They worked really hard the last few months to memorize it!

Friday, June 06, 2008

He did it!

Hooray for Big D! He is a 1st grader! The awards ceremony was very nice! Big D earned all of his skill badges and we are so thrilled that he is ready for 1st grade. He had mixed emotions about his kindergarten year, but I have watched him learn to read, understand basic math concepts, get excited about insects, and enjoy recess. I have really enjoyed his kindergarten year! He had a great teacher and their were so many great kids in his class. I just hope next year will be just as fun!

Here are a few pictures of the fun event:

Big D and his proud Daddy!

Receiving his certificate of completion of Kindergarten

We finally got a smile out of him!

Mrs. Spargo's class singing "First Grade!" I have been trying to upload a video of the song but it is not working. I will try again tomorrow.

Great Grandma Kanzler! She was so happy to see Peanut #1 graduate!

Grandma Robin, Great Grandma Kanzler, Ryan and Little C (on the computer).

Mrs. Spargo signing Big D's autograph page!

Big D and Mrs. Spargo

Our family! I love this picture!

I am so happy for Big D and his achievment's this year. The thing I have learned the most from this year is that you have to respect where your child is in their pathway of learning and not compare them to their classmates. I personally have always enjoyed school and excelled in the classroom from a young age. I'm not bragging, mind you, I just always assumed everyone liked school! When I was in college, studying for my Elementary Education/Child Development degree, I learned quickly that students are all unique and some may not have an interest in the core curriculum subjects (math, reading, science, etc.). While I was a preschool teacher I found it a fun challenge to try to engage those who were more content playing on the playground and loved watching the spark of understanding in their eyes when a concept became clear to them. I am grateful for my experiences! They have helped me to support my little one, who would rather play baseball or basketball during recess than read books or count beans. I love him for who he is, quirks and all! He's my big boy and I am so pleased to be his mom! Okay I have to stop, the tears are streaming right now. All in all, it was a great day!


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