Friday, September 28, 2007

Sick Kiddos

Why is it that every time Ryan goes out of state/country on a business trip, my kids get sick!!!!!!! It's no joke- every time Ryan has left one of us ends up sick. It's like they reserve it just for that special time. I guess we are sick without him, but I am really getting tired of it!

So Carson has a pretty bad ear infection and a nasty, hacky cough. Dallin has been dealing with allergies that I think has now turned into a cold - he has a pretty bad cough too! To make matters even more, urrr, fun?, they are both sleeping about 3 hours at a time. So I am tired, praying I stay healthy, and trying to manage snotty noses, coughs, lack of appetites, etc..... Oh the joys of being a business trip widow!!!!

I have so much respect for the thousands of wifes and mothers who have husbands over seas fighting in the war. I commend them and hope they are getting the support here from family and friends that they might need.

Okay - I have to put Carson down for a nap. Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I love the Fall - minus my allergies

So it is definitly fall and I can't wait to start putting up my harvest/Halloween decorations. Along with the shorter days, cooler temperatures, hectic schedules, etc... comes my seasonal allergies and they make me feel like, well for lack of a better word, poop!!!! In my groogy haze I am trying to start each day on a cheerful note, but all too often it doesn't turn out that way. Some days are better than others but the ones that aren't too good, let's just say I wish I could redo most of them.

One side effect of fall, at least for me, is my own time spent in contemplation. I often treasure the warm afternoons, when all is quiet in the house, and I can sit outside and read, write, think!!!! I can't wait for my special time to reconnect and to evaluate where I'm at and what I can do to be better.

I just love this time of year!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Dallin's First Field Trip

So Dallin, along with Ryan as a chaperone, is off on his first field trip on a school bus!!! He is so excited, in fact he woke up several times during the night claiming he was scarred, something woke him, etc... This morning as we were getting ready he kept singing the song "the wheels on the bus." I can't wait to hear how it went and to see the pictures (which I will post upon his return).

In other news --- the Relief Society Recipe Exchange Group, which I am heading up, met last night! It was so much fun visiting with these women. All different ages, backgrouds, etc... but we have some very great things in common! What a great array of snack foods, interesting conversations (that went everywhere from the 1800's - breast feeding). I am really looking forward to next month's gathering where we will be sharing soup/stew recipes and learning how to make my girlfriends yummy dinner rolls!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


I have a friend named Janalee who I saw walk into church one day with a few darling purses. She told me they were made out of placemats and then showed me how they were made. I am so glad she sharred the how-to's with me. This will hopefully be a nice addition to the Orange Peanut line of homemade treasures! Here are a sample of a few that I have made! If you see something you like contact me at


Bubble Time

While Dallin was happily at school, Carson and I played outside! One of Carson's favorite things to do is blow bubbles (I usually am blowing, but boy does he try hard). You have to be careful when invovled in the fine art of bubble making with my youngest because he loves to hold the bottle of the secret solution (dish soap) and put the lid on and then take it off again. Of course the wand will get stuck inside and the only way to get it out is to dump the bottle upside down! What an adventure! So enjoy the pictures of Carson enjoying the fine art of bubble making!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Roller Derby Here I Come

Okay - so I went roller skating at the youth activity tonight. Let's just say it's been awhile! I had a blast though and survived the night with only two falls. I am sure that I will feel it tomorrow, as my hiney already is throbbing!

I love roller skating - my favorite part being the rush of wind as you skate fast! Do you remember skate nights with your school! Couple skates, the dice game, shooting the duck races, etc... So much fun! I never have been big into the inline skating craze - I feel much safer on 4 wheels for sure. When I was a freshman at Sac State, I had some dorm neighbors who tried, many times, to teach me to skate on inlines. They would push me up and down the hallways, but I still could not get it. I even started using a belt to hold a pillow in place to protect my backside!

Oh the good ol' days. It was fun hearing the kids say things like: "Sister Kanzler is skating - backwards," "Nice move Megan," and my favorite from the night "Human speed bump" which was in reference to the near catastrophy of me being run over by some of the youth after I took a mighty fall. Oh so much fun!!!! I just wish I had a picture to go with this blog - that would be awesome!

I never will forget

6 years ago, at about 7:30ish, Ryan and I were driving to work (I was working at HP at that time), when we heard people screaming, on the radio, "A second plane has just hit the other tower." Ryan and I looked at each other and for the next 15 minutes the facts of the day started to unfold. We were stunned! As we arrived at work it became apparant that this was big news. That what happened affected every American. I was appalled that people would really think that doing something like this was what they considered "jihad - holy war." I called one of my Muslim friends and asked how she was doing. She was in tears and scarred that people would think all muslim's are terrorists. I could only imagine her fear - she could not understand how people of her own faith could think that killing others was right!

I do have to say - 6 years later, I am still sad that something like this happened. I just hope that we can learn to find ways to get along. Reminds me of a saying by Rodney King - who was beaten badly in LA by some police. He said "can't we all just get along." I hope that I can do my part to be a better neighbor, to show my love for our country, and to teach my children how to be good citizens to people from all parts of the world.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Here I am

So many of my friends are using blogs! I love reading theirs so I decided I would start from scratch with my blog (which I have had for a few years but never did much with it). Thank you for the inspiration my lovely friends.

I can't wait to share with you all that we are doing here in Sacramento. Come back often to see what's going on in my world!


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