Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I never will forget

6 years ago, at about 7:30ish, Ryan and I were driving to work (I was working at HP at that time), when we heard people screaming, on the radio, "A second plane has just hit the other tower." Ryan and I looked at each other and for the next 15 minutes the facts of the day started to unfold. We were stunned! As we arrived at work it became apparant that this was big news. That what happened affected every American. I was appalled that people would really think that doing something like this was what they considered "jihad - holy war." I called one of my Muslim friends and asked how she was doing. She was in tears and scarred that people would think all muslim's are terrorists. I could only imagine her fear - she could not understand how people of her own faith could think that killing others was right!

I do have to say - 6 years later, I am still sad that something like this happened. I just hope that we can learn to find ways to get along. Reminds me of a saying by Rodney King - who was beaten badly in LA by some police. He said "can't we all just get along." I hope that I can do my part to be a better neighbor, to show my love for our country, and to teach my children how to be good citizens to people from all parts of the world.

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