Tuesday, April 29, 2008

FHE - Samuel the Lamanite (Follow the Prophet)

Simplicity is the goal this week! So I made a choice to keep our FHE simple and to the point! I think it went really well!

We started with a rousing song from the Children's Songbook, then we had a nice opening prayer. Then I showed the picture of Samuel the Lamanite standing on the wall of the city of Zarahemla (Gospel Art Kit # 314),

and asked who it was? Peanut #1 said it was "Samuel the Lemucule" (so close). So I paraphrased the first few paragraph's from the back of the picture and then when we got to the part where Samuel climbed on the wall, Big D gladly took on the role of Samuel!

Big D then repeated the words I read (the things Samuel said to the Nephites while he was on the wall).

Some of the Nephites (aka. my husband and Little C) ....

...started throwing wadded up newspaper at him! Amazingly non of the wads hit him!!! (the hand of mommy was protecting him)!

Here is Little C having a turn being Samuel! He was so cute!

Big D got a turn being a Nephite and throwing things at Samuel!

We had a nice time and after our closing song and prayer we went bowling (in our family room, Wii bowling is awesome)! I love my family!

* We usually will do this FHE during the summer and we follow the lesson with a water balloon launching contest. I fill a few buckets with water balloons (you have to plan ahead for this, because it takes forever to fill up 100 balloons). We then have one person be Samuel up on the top of the play structure and then we see if we can hit that person! Another idea would be when talking about the Stripling Warriors you could have a water balloon war! We have done both and they are a blast. Definitly a fun thing to do with another family too! So be friendly and invite another family over!

Dillon's Beach

I had a phenomenal weekend with the Stake YW Presidency, Stake Camp Directors, and the young women who will be youth leaders at Girls Camp! We went to Dillon's Beach and stayed at a lovely beach house. We spent the night talking about the theme for girl's camp (it is still Top Secret, but it is so good), the girls signed up for the jobs they want at camp, requested what level they would like to work with, we tie dyed shirts, and spent the evening having fun (i.e. we were dancing and one of the other leaders and myself were trying to teach the girls some fun dance moves from when we were their age)! Let's just say I woke up sore for two days (I guess the centipede is meant to be done when you are 17 not 30 :-)

The Pacific Ocean! Let's just say, it was freeezzzzing!

Glad none of us were crabby! There was no drama! Thank goodness!

Beautiful star fish! They were every where! I just love the orange ones!

Sidney looking very diva-ish!

Can you say America's Next Top Model! Olivia with a very striking pose!

Our resident mermaid, Elise! Beautiful indeed! The funny thing about this picture is that when she went to remove the starfish they were trying to attach themselves to her shirt, so there were star designs from the water on their tentacles (or whatever those little things are called)! It was hilarious!

My girl Amanda and myself! This picture does not do us justice and mind you it was taken after about 5 hours of sleep!

Playing at the beach! Did I mention it was cold!

The girls and most of the leaders! What a great group of women!

A beautiful sunset!

... describes our weekend! Enough said!

Monday, April 21, 2008

UPDATE: Thank you for the nice comments ya'll, but I did not write the post. I reposted what I had seen on a friend's blog! It was very well written and I had to share it with my friends. So please feel free to share it too!
I saw a great post today and had to share it. Many of you, I'm sure, are watching the news and are asking a few questions. I hope this will answer most questions that are running through your mind.

Some Mormon women sing...

Some Mormon women dance...

Some Mormon women write scary stories...

Some Mormon women have lots of money and really great hair...

I know hundreds of Mormon women. They do all kinds of different things and live all different kinds of lives. This woman served as a leader in the Mormon church.

She recently spoke to teenage girls worldwide. She encouraged them to stand up to peer pressure, strengthen their families and serve others. (Click here for more.)

None of the Mormon women I know look like this...

None of them are marrying off their teenage daughters and-- although some may joke about wanting a sister-wife (preferably one who is really fat & ugly, does bathrooms and changes diapers)--none of them really want to share their husband with anyone.


Some Mormon guys can throw a ball...

Some Mormon guys yell at the ball...

Some Mormon guys make scary movies...

Some Mormon guys have a lot of money and really great hair...

I know hundreds of Mormon guys. They do all kinds of different things and live all kinds of different lives. This is one of the leaders of the Mormon church.

On April 6th, he spoke about honoring women, especially mothers, and gave advice to husbands and children about how to treat the women in their lives. (For the whole story, click here.)

None of the Mormon men I know look like this...

The Mormon men I know are honest and hard-working. They don't cheat, smoke, drink or gamble.

And TRUST ME....the last thing any of them want is another wife.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Three White Dresses

We are having our Stake Young Womanhood Recognition night in a few weeks and Lucy choose a wonderful theme - "My Three White Dresses." This is based on a poem and picture by Bernie Tanner. I love that we will be talking about these 3 important and sacred dresses and the times when we wear them (baby blessing, baptism, and temple marriage).

So while I was working on the invitation, I came across this video on you tube. I hope you enjoy the music and beautiful pictures!

p.s. You might want a tissue or 2!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I survived youth conference

The last few months have found me to be very busy! Team mom, science docent, volunteering in Dallin's class, weekly youth activities, and YOUTH CONFERENCE! Well this past Friday (where the youth came for a bonfire and speakers) and Saturday, we gathered about 100 youth together to have fun, be spiritually feed, and to watch the creative roadshows they put together in 4 hours!

I had the privilege of being part of the planning of this event. So for the past 3 months we, the Stake YW and YM's presidencies, have been planning a bonfire, a plane crash, a scavenger hunt, roadshows, and food for 100+ youth ages 12-18! I was put in charge of the Saturday morning portion of our youth conference, which consisted of a plane crash, a scavenger hunt, 3 workshops, a closing address from our Stake President and a testimony meeting!

Check In Desk for Sac East Airlines. That's me behind the podium with Stake YM's President, Lance, checking in! I just wish we had gotten a picture of the security check point! It was so good! Ryan, Stake YM's 2nd Counselor, made this 9ft. walk through metal detector, like you see at the airports. Some of the YM leaders had stud finders that they were using as detector wands! I love how the leaders got into the "act!"

A wacky passenger. Guy, one of our High Counselors, really had fun with our theme! He played the obnoxious traveler so very well! He argued with the check in desk about up grading to first class, called security to check an unattended item, and just had fun!

Here is the inside of our plane. "Now boarding, at gate E12, Sac East Airlines flight 227 with non stop service to Sacramento East Stake Youth Conference."

A close up of the chair covers and windows!

Our pilot, Greg (who is a pilot in real life), and our Stake YW President, Laurel (a very lovely flight attendant).

The flight attendants for the flight: Me (Secretary), Lisa (2nd counselor in Stake YW's), Laurel (Stake YW's president), and Lucy (1st counselor in Stake YW's).

The plane during the boarding process! Note the security/emergency pamphlets in their seat back pockets. There were also barf bags, just in case! (Credit for the seat back covers, pamphlets, and windows goes to those who planned the youth conference back in 2001 where they had a plane crash that ended with the youth dying and then visiting the 3 degrees of glory. Our conference was based on Scripture Power and Spiritual Survival).

Lance made some phenomenal sound effects! He makes a good jet engine sound! I was waiting for him to start beat boxing (he never would do that in front of the youth, but it would have been funny).

So, the plane had to make an emergency landing in the mountains. We landed safely, but we did have to get off the plane. Once the doors were opened, the youth saw this inflatable slide waiting for them. So we all had to exit the plane, including the flight attendants and pilot!

Here's one of the youth making his exit from the plane with me pointing to his survival team.

Yes we like to have fun! Lisa and Lucy enjoyed their turn down the slide!

Following the emergency exit the youth were divided into 3 groups (based upon the color of their lei). They then had to work together to find survival items that were hidden throughout the church building. So they were given their first clue and the search began. After they found 4 items they went to a workshop where one of our fabulous speakers (my girl Erica, remarkable Agnes, and super cool Richard) talked about those survival items and how they relate to the scriptures and their spiritual survival. After their first workshop they searched for 4 more items, went to a workshop (where those 4 new things were discussed), they looked for their last 4 survival items and then went to their final workshop (again they discussed the last 4 items). After the final workshop, the youth went to the chapel where our Stake President gave a fabulous talk about the standards we bear. A lovely musical number was performed by some talented youth, and then to close the morning out - a testimony meeting. It was just great and just what I had hoped for!

The rest of the day consisted of lunch, games, planning roadshows by wards, dinner, and then the roadshow performances by the youth in front of our stake! What a great youth conference! Thank you to all the leaders and youth who helped make this such a fun and successful conference!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Start Spreading the News

Dallin's kindergarten teacher approached me a few weeks ago and asked if I would help her with a talent show number for the class. Every year, at the school talent show, the kindergarten classes do a number.
So I started searching the web to find a song that would be fun and easy for the kids to learn! I found this awesome website where I found the perfect song! When I showed Mrs. Spargo the words and sang it to her, she loved it. So what's the song? "First Grade, First Grade" to the music of "New York, New York." Go to this link to see the lyrics and hear the recording.
Today was the first day of practice and I was so impressed with the kids! They learned the first and second first and were singing really well! I will go in on Thursday morning and work with them again! So much fun indeed!

Monday, April 07, 2008

One Word

Stolen from Stefany: and this is not as easy as you might think!


Change the answers to suit you and then pass it on.Remember: one word answers.

1. Where is your mobile phone? pocket.
2. Your significant other? HP
3. Your hair? short
4. Your mother? working
5. Your father? hmmmm
6. Your favorite thing? sleep
7. Your dream last night? over
8. Your favorite drink? smoothie
9. Your dream/goal? Christlike
10. The room you're in? family
11. Your ex? who
12. Your fear? kidnapped
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? family
14. Where were you last night? sleeping
15. What you're not? perfect
16. Muffins? pumpkin
17. One of your wish list items? clothes
18. Where you grew up? Antioch
19. The last thing you did? phonecall
20. What are you wearing? clothing
21. Your TV? Ben10
22. Your pets? none
23. Your computer? HP
24. Your life? great
25. Your mood? busy
26. Missing someone? Yes
27. Your car? Clean
28. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
29. Favorite Store? Gap
30. Your summer? exciting
31. Like someone? yep
32. Your favorite color? red
33. When is the last time you laughed? today
34. Last time you cried? Saturday
35. Who will/would re-post this? Hmmmm

Friday, April 04, 2008

How to do the running man dance!

In a post from a few weeks ago I said that I taught some of the youth how to do the running man dance! It's a dance that was made popular by Vanilla Ice in the late 80's! After receiving a comment and a few emails regarding the dance I decided it was time to add an "80's dance how to" section to my blog. So keep checking back to see people doing the dances that I loved and some that I could never figure out!

In this video Will Smith does an awesome running man! He starts with the running man then does a few other dance moves. Basically the running man looks like you are running but you are staying in one spot! I hope you like the video and the memories!


Your 80's Dance Coach


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