Monday, April 21, 2008

UPDATE: Thank you for the nice comments ya'll, but I did not write the post. I reposted what I had seen on a friend's blog! It was very well written and I had to share it with my friends. So please feel free to share it too!
I saw a great post today and had to share it. Many of you, I'm sure, are watching the news and are asking a few questions. I hope this will answer most questions that are running through your mind.

Some Mormon women sing...

Some Mormon women dance...

Some Mormon women write scary stories...

Some Mormon women have lots of money and really great hair...

I know hundreds of Mormon women. They do all kinds of different things and live all different kinds of lives. This woman served as a leader in the Mormon church.

She recently spoke to teenage girls worldwide. She encouraged them to stand up to peer pressure, strengthen their families and serve others. (Click here for more.)

None of the Mormon women I know look like this...

None of them are marrying off their teenage daughters and-- although some may joke about wanting a sister-wife (preferably one who is really fat & ugly, does bathrooms and changes diapers)--none of them really want to share their husband with anyone.


Some Mormon guys can throw a ball...

Some Mormon guys yell at the ball...

Some Mormon guys make scary movies...

Some Mormon guys have a lot of money and really great hair...

I know hundreds of Mormon guys. They do all kinds of different things and live all kinds of different lives. This is one of the leaders of the Mormon church.

On April 6th, he spoke about honoring women, especially mothers, and gave advice to husbands and children about how to treat the women in their lives. (For the whole story, click here.)

None of the Mormon men I know look like this...

The Mormon men I know are honest and hard-working. They don't cheat, smoke, drink or gamble.

And TRUST ME....the last thing any of them want is another wife.


FoxFamily said...

Megan, That was a fabulous post you wrote. I agree with you completely! Thanks.

Morgan said...

what a great post. thanks for sharing. love your blog layout.

Ryan and Liz Meinzer said...

thank you megan for that post. it was don beautifully.

Kim said...

That was awesome! I wish I knew the names of all of the women, though!

Ashley said...

I hope you don't mind, but I added you to our blog list. I just love your blog. It was so fun to see all that was done for youth conference. We now live in Rocklin and I always like seeing what the Eastern stake is doing. Also, I think you're hilarious!

Ashley Mills
(Wife to David, daughter in-law to Jeff & Dorene)

FoxFamily said...

Megan!! When are you going to leave a new post????

Orange Peanut said...

When I have a moment to think of something clever to say!!!!

Danielle said...

hahahah i got this email from my SIL and i was cracken up - so true

i have heard the people at work wispering about me possibly not being eddie's only wife - i just laughed at them like he could deal with more than one LOL


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