Friday, June 27, 2008

Surprise Friday's

A few weeks ago a friend of mine shared something that she does with her children during the summertime and I absolutly loved it (Thanks Debbie)! So every Friday during summer vacation (we had to start today since I was gone on the 13th and the 20th was a full day of remodeling), I will be surprising the boys with fun destinations throughout Sacramento!
So this morning I had the boys get dressed and eat breakfast and told them that a surprise was waiting for them once they were done! I called my girlfriend and invited her and her son to come along for the fun. Once we were ready to go we got in the car...

Dallin was pretty excited to see where we were headed!

Carson was just happy to be along for the ride in the "go-go" (car)!

After a short car ride we pulled up in front of...

and here is my boys reaction...

They look thrilled huh? They were waiting for his buddy to arrive. Carson was not sure where we were.

But once inside They didn't waste any time playing. We have been trapped indoors because of the horrible smoke that has lingered in our air since Monday, creating a thick haze. So they were thrilled to get to play outside! The air was still pretty bad, but a few hours is all they needed.

Chasing ducks!

Alex sliding down the shoe slide.

3 little Indians

Me and Carson. Let's just say that wasn't the most comfortable slide I have ever been on!
Dallin and Alex getting ready to slide!

Carson pumping water! He was so curious about it!

So cute!

Alex and Dallin striking a pose!

Me and the boys!
My best friend Lydia and her guy Alex


Unknown said...

I saw bilboards for that place while we were there. It looked like a lot of fun!! I really like your idea of surprise Fridays. I did that sort of this week and we went to the pool. See ya!

Ali said...

I hate that slide! I went down it once with Owen last year - NEVER again! Call us next time you go, we've got a season pass and we go all the time!

Bethanne said...

So fun! What a great mom you everyone something to look forward to!

Knight knughts said...

I love that place. i took my oldest 2 when they were 2 and 3. they laugh at the pictures and because they don't remember that place and can't see it form here.

Jenni said...

We are planning a trip there. I will let you know when and maybe we can meet up!


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