Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bean Plants

I have the privilege of being the Science Docent for Dallin's kindergarten class. Every month or two I prepare a lesson on different science standards they have to know by the end of their kindergarten year! We have done experiments on the stages of matter (liquids, solids, gases - we made root beer floats to show the different stages), we've talked about the differences between birds and mammals, we learned new ways to describe things using our 5 senses, we've talked about magnets, and today we talked about....

...the parts of a plant. I was so impressed that many of the kids knew the different parts of a plant and what they did. At one point I had a 6 year old boy ask me a deep question. I told them that the roots and stem of a plant act like a straw to suck water and nutrients out of the ground to feed the plant.

This little boy asked - "Mrs. Kanzler, if we needed water to drink could we put a straw in a plant and suck out the water?" They never cease to amaze me. So we talked about what makes up the stem and told him that there is a special plant called a cactus that he could get water from, but he wouldn't be able to use a straw.

So after our discussion each of the kids got to plant a bean plant! If everything goes well they should start to see their plant growing in the next few weeks! Can't guarantee that we will have a harvest like the picture above but it was fun to watch the kids plant their seeds and listen to their questions! May the seeds grow into young bean plants!


Stefany said...

I love the new look AND the science experiment!

Kim said...

Hey Megan! The science experiment looks fun. Completely unrelated, though....how do you change your background "papers"? I cannot seem to figure it out, but SOOO want to!

Kim said...

You Rock! Thanks for your help! Hopefully I will have a new look within the next couple of days. :)

Bethanne said...

You're such a smarty pants! I wish you could add that element to our school time since science is really the one subject I know nothing about. C'mon, you'd like Frisco I know it.

Jenni said...

I am so new at this whole blogging thing. This is the only way I know how to respond to comments on my page. I need your e-mail. I am due May 3 and I am doing a VBAC. NO MORE C-SECTIONS FOR ME! One was too many.


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