Thursday, March 27, 2008

10 Random Things

10 Random things ( in response to my tag from Pikes Pickles)

1)My youngest has had a fever for the past day - we didn't get much sleep last night.

2) Three things on my kitchen counter are: a) mail that my hubby needs to look through; b) a yummy smelling candle; c) a cake platter with nothing on it - I must bake muffins to fill it up
3)Dallin is putting away the pillows that he got out
4)I have to make sure I have everything for my Stake YW/YM's training meeting tonight!
5) Dandelions drive me nuts!!!! I mean the little seed wisher thingy-ma-bobs that the dandelion flowers turn into are fun to blow on but we all know that blowing on them just means you'll have more dandelions growing!
6) I had fun teaching some of the youth how to do the "running man" at the Decades dance last Saturday. The running man is a dance from the late 80's and early 90's just in case you didn't know.
7) My favorite type of ice cream is..... mint chocolate chip
8) I have to transfer my laundry
9) I am looking forward to Dallin's first t-ball game. It should provide some good laughs. Although at last night's practice they were really looking like ball players. They played their positions and even moved the ball around the field pretty well. Kudos to Coach Ryan (my husband).
10) Ryan and I met on a blind date!!!

Five People I'm Tagging: whoever wants to do this! It was fun and very random. Just write 10 random things that are on your mind! Can't wait to see who does it!


Stefany said...

How fun! I am so sorry about the sick child that is a bummer.
What is the running man dance?
Your calling so perfect for you - I could see where you would be awesome with the youth!

Hope you get some sleep tonight!

Kim said...

That kills me that people don't know what the "running man" is! Wow!

Yes, I did figure out how to change my site...thanks entirely to your help! :) Much appreciated.


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