Monday, July 21, 2008

{Youth Fireside}

Last night, I had the opportunity to speak at our Stake Youth Fireside. The theme was "Choose you this day" and I knew what I wanted to speak on the moment I was asked. I was asked to share my conversion story, which I did, but I also wanted to be more specific with youth regarding the theme of the night. I wanted them to think about the things that could happen, the temptations and trials that will come their way and how they would react to them. I wanted them to make choices now of what they would say or do if: someone handed them a glass filled with beer; a cute guy or girl wanted to get a little too close for comfort - if you know what I mean; what will they say when people are making fun of the not so popular kid as school; will they get a tattoo; what about body piercings; what about the types of clothes they buy and wear; etc... I was so grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts and my testimony with the youth.

There were two other speakers too, and they were phenomenal! Lauren Foley, was recently baptized (she just turned 16), and she shared her testimony and ideas on how to stay strong. Then Ben Sandel, the Elder's Quorum President in our stakes Singles Ward, was great too! I love how bold he was with the youth. He shared 4 things the youth need to do to avoid potential pitfalls (1. make time for quiet; 2. obey the law of chastity; 3. Be where you should be; and 4. Be a good friend).

It was a great night, I just wish that we had more youth attend the fireside!!!! They all needed to hear the things that we talked about!


Unknown said...

I think those firesides are so essential!! I wish they had had more when I was a teenager -- not that I was naughty, it just would have been good to hear more.

I bet you did a good job!!

Bethanne said...

That is awesome and I am so glad that there are speakers like you there...adults and mentors that they can trust and admire and be role models for them. They need it SO badly, especially given the temptations that they face on a daily basis!

Ryan Kanzler said...

I am glad that I got to see you speak! You did a great job and I am so glad that our kids have such an awesome mom! I love you!

Stefany said...

Sounds amazing. Why didnt you put out the invitation sooner? It would have been worth the road trip.


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