Tuesday, July 22, 2008

{Tush Push}

I love to dance and country line dancing is one of my favorites. While I was in college my cheerleading/stunt partner and I would go out dancing and I loved it! I began line dancing while I was in high school but in college I learned a lot of dances and how to do couple dances too.

Well, last Tuesday night (July 15th), a friend called me up and asked if I would be willing to teach the Beehives (girls ages 12-14) in our ward to line dance. And, of course, I will not turn down a chance to dance, so I got really excited to dust off my boots (it has been way too long since I last wore them), wished I could still fit into my Wranglers or my Rockies (types of jeans), and donned my shiny belt buckle! It was great!!!! Yeee hawww!

I was excited to teach them one country line dance that is universal, meaning it can be danced to pretty much any type of music. "What dance is this?" you ask. Well that would be the Electric Slide. They learned it very quickly and after dancing to a great Faith Hill song, I turned on Gwen Stefani (Sweet Escape) and showed them that we could do the same dance to this song. They were impressed. They were doing a country line dance to a mainstream song!

I then got to teach them one of my favorite country line dances - the Tush Push!!! Oh yeah! Don't let the name scare you - it is a good dance. This is me we are talking about, no gross dancing here! It was great to see them try and a few of them, leaders included, got this dance!

So by the end of the night, we all almost looked like this (not as old as these women, but as good as them)....

I wanted them to realize that music and dancing can be fun and good, so long as we follow the counsel we have been given from our Prophet in the "For The Strength of the Youth" handbook (click on the "Music and Dance" link). Keep it clean and wholesome and you can have fun! So, if you want to learn some fun dances and listen to some great music - come on over!


38 Step said...

Very cool! Kids really do love to learn to line dance, and they're always so much better at it than you'd expect :) That's wonderful!

Unknown said...

I love to line dance!! Nathan things country music is all from teh devil so you can guess how many times I have gone in the last 14 years!! We so need to get together!! One more thing for us to do in Vegas!! :)

Ashley said...

I want to see some old pictures. I know you have some... I think we'd all enjoy seeing them!! What a fun activity! (I'm serious about the pictures though)


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