Thursday, July 24, 2008

{What a Day}

We have had a fun day, sprinkled with the sassiness of a 6 year old and the high pitched screams of a 2 year old!

Our day started with this...
Our fort! Blankets, sheets, and pillows are our building materials of choice!
Silly faces!

Big D thought it was so funny to put rabbit ears on top of Little C's head! Hilarious!
Later in the evening, once it cooled off, we went out back to play kickball and enjoy being outside. I went inside to get some water after our game and came back to little Little C running through the sprinkler, naked!!! All day he has been pulling off his diaper (one time with a little package that was very ripe and smelly). He thought he was being so funny and I couldn't do anything but grab my camera! What's cuter than your little nudist sliding down the slide; or climbing the monkey bars - saying hi to the neighbors, over the fence, as they pass by; or enjoying a swing with the breeze reaching all areas of his body... Oh the excitement we had here!

He is so happy!
I'm gonna get cha' mom! (Note that it is about 7pm and he is still in his PJ's - oh I love summer time)!

Yummy Popsicle!
See, my tongue is red!

My tongue is red too!
So, I don't know about you, but we had a pretty good day! Hope yours was as exciting!


Bethanne said...

Loved those pictures. And, geez, how big are those popsicles?! :) I think it is hilarious that Carson was running around naked. What is it with kids and being fully clothed?! You are a great mom to get in there and participate in all of the activities too! Oh the joy of having boys...

Ryan Kanzler said...

I love those boys! I wish I had two just like them...oh wait, I do!!! You are a great mommy!

Ali said...

I love PJ days. Come to think of it, I love nekked days, too! Ha! Less laundry for mom!

Unknown said...

Two very cute boys!!! I love those days of forts and popciles and pj's all day. The nekkid part is only cute when you are little. I don't think the neighbors would enjoy it so much if I did it!! :P I miss them, my kids are to old and busy for that stuff. Enjoy IT!!!

PS Love Ryans comment!

Jennie Blaser said...

What ADORABLE boys -- great genes! Those are just the cutest pictures I've seen for a while!


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