Tuesday, July 01, 2008

{I just love these shelves}

I am saving up for these collector shelves from pottery barn. I absolutly love them and think they would look great next to the boys bed's.

And while I'm at it, wouldn't this bookcase just be a great addition to their room as well....

Just thought I would share!!!!


Bethanne said...

I desperately want those shelves from Pottery Barn too!!! In fact, I have looked everywhere for knock-offs and can't find them. And even without any tools or skill, I've even thought about trying to make them myself. Sigh. But seriously, I think about them often! :)

Orange Peanut said...

Maybe I will try to make them, I just was hoping to find them somewhere cheaper, but like you, I have not found them anywhere. They have been on eBay, but you still have to pay shipping which makes them just as much as if I bought them from PB! I have a jig saw so I would be able to do the curve that is on the side pieces! Why do they have to be so blasted expensive. If I can make them then I will send you a couple!

Stefany said...

Okay - QUICK I need you to come renovate, resuscitate my decor.
Very cute!


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