Monday, May 05, 2008

Change is good right?

The last few weeks have been a rollercoaster ride in the calling department! Two weeks ago, the Stake YW Presidency was brought into a member of the stake presidencies office and we were informed that we were being released. I knew we would be released soon, since the Stake YW President was in for almost 2 years and since our mutual activities are done on a stake level, the stake presidency has made it known that the calling is about a 2 year calling. But I have only been in there for 8 months and I wasn't ready to go. Truth be told - I'm never ready to leave the YW's program! I love working with the young women and it is a sad day, or two, when I am released.

So for a week I was wondering what my next calling would be! I truly will serve where-ever the Lord need's me, but there are just certain callings that are a better fit for me! Those who know me know I try my best to give my all to whatever calling I have, so that isn't the issue. My concern was serving in a calling that wasn't in my comfort zone. Does that make sense?

Well as I was in the Stake Center parking lot on April 25th, waiting for girls to arrive so that I could drive them down to Dillon's Beach, President Moser asked if he could speak to me briefly! So we met and he informed me that the new Stake YW's President has asked for me to stay on as secretary! (Whahoooo). So of course I said yes, knowing my husband would support me in that calling! So for a week I worried, prayed, studied my scriptures more, etc... and was truly at peace with the fact that I would not be with the girls anymore! And then, BAM, I am asked to stay - okay twist my arm, I'll stay (really no twisting needed).

So it is now official, the changes were presented to the stake members and we were all sustained and set appart. I am so sad that I won't get to work with these fabulous women,

but I am excited to work with the new presidency, the ward leaders, and the young women of our stake!


Bethanne said...

Yeah, I'm so excited for you. You were willing to submit your will to His and look what happened! :)

Cute background BTW. Did the template come with 3 columns, or did you add it in? I want to add it in to ours, but don't know how. :(

Love and miss you!

FoxFamily said...

you always do an EXCELLENT job at your callings. I aspire to be like you. GOod job Megan!

Ashley said...

Congrats! I had a similar experience in primary. It is amazing to have those experiences when you realize the Lord knows our desires and what is best for us (& those your serve)! Who is in the new presidency?

BTW, thanks for the comforting note about my new diet. : ) Yikes, right! I'll get it figured out.

Congrats again!

whitney said...

cool! that's the best when you absolutely LOVE your calling... because let's face it, we don't always love our callings. :)


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