Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

"My dear sisters, you marvelous women who have chosen the better part, I stand in great admiration for all that you do. I see your hands in everything...

Well, you dear women, I say thanks to you. Thank you for being the kind of people you are and doing the things you do. May the blessings of heaven rest upon you. May your prayers be answered and your hopes and dreams become realities".

- President Gordon B. Hinckley

I have been spoiled today! At around 9am, Dallin came into my room, with a hand towel drapped over his arm and a breakfast menu in hand. I was then presented with a scrumptous breakfast in bed (which consisted of Swedish Pancakes, hashbrowns, bacon, and juice). After my yummy breakfast I was presented with 3 giftboxes that were filled with 3 beautiful dresses. We then went to church where I was presented with a lovely bookmark with the quote listed above, some nice paintings from my boys, and a rose from Dallin's Primary teacher! At home, Ryan treated me to a yummy dinner (baked brie with blueberry chutney, steak, artichokes, and watermelon) with my favorite cheesecake recipe for dessert!

I am truly grateful for my family! My wonderful husband who supports me in everthing I do! He is a helpmeet for sure! I am so lucky to be a mother! I love my boys so very much! Even on those days where the joyful moments are but a fleeting thing, I would not trade the slobbery kisses, the silly laughs, and humbling experiences for anything. I have never grown or learn so much! Life is good for sure!


Kelsey said...

It sounds like a wonderful day. I am excited to see your new dresses. I am sure you look beautiful.

Stefany said...

What a fun day you had. Don't you wish everyday was Mothers day?

Bethanne said...

Okay, so I'm awful. I had fully intended to email you with "Happy Mother's Day" wishes, but I had to try and go to bed early so that I could get up this morning at 4:30 am to finish a report (trying hard not to work on the Sabbath). Anyway, I don't eat enough fish to remember these things. Forgive me? I was thinking about you, as always. I love you and miss you. Thank you for being you and being such a great example to me. And, well, you laugh when I attempt to make jokes...and even though they are pity laughs, I LOVE to surround myself with people who boost my ego and pretend I'm funny! lol


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