Tuesday, May 20, 2008

FHE - The Holy Ghost

Wow, FHE last night was difficult! Carson is just at that, errr, fun age when sitting to sing a hymn say a prayer and have a 2 minute lesson with a game is challenging, to say the least!

So we sang "Love at Home" then Dallin gave a nice opening prayer.


Heavenly Father knows each of us. He loves us and wants us to be happy. He has given us someone who helps us choose what is right and helps us when we have a problem. He is the Holy Ghost. We do not see him or hear his voice, but he can quietly put ideas into our minds and feelings in our hearts. The Holy Ghost is a loving, friendly helper who helps us to choose the right. He can help us in many different ways.

Then I read this story while Dallin found the pictures that went along with it and put them on our flannel board:

"Jaime is Lost"

Jaimee was lost. He and his family had gone on a hike.
He saw a squirrel and started to chase it.
When he couldn't catch it, he tried to find his family, but they were gone.
Jamie was afraid. He remembered that his Primary teacher had told his class to pray if they were ever in trouble or afraid. So Jamie said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to help him find his family.
Jamie didn't feel so afraid anymore. He felt as though someone was helping him, so he started walking down the hill.
Soon he hear his father calling his name.
He called back and his father came running. Jamie was glad that he had prayer, and he knew Heavenly Father had helped him.
How did Jamie get help? (He prayed)
Who helped him? (Heavenly Father sent the Holy Ghost to help him)
How did the Holy Ghost help? (He put thoughts into Jamie's mind, made him feel better, or helped him no be afraid. He also prompted other people to help).
We then talked about times when we felt the Holy Ghost.
I then bore my testimony about the Holy Ghost and we closed with "I hope they call me on a mission" and then Ryan offered our closing prayer. Our game was nixed once it became clear that the boys were done, even for the fun part. We also had to forgo our refreshments due to behavior issues during our FHE!
*I have to thank the ladies from the FHE swap group. This story came from one of those FHE packet's. I wish we had written our names on the lessons, but many thanks to whoever it was!

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