Monday, May 31, 2010

Some More Please

First off, let me just acknowledge my deep gratitude for those who serve in our military and those who paid the ultimate price with their life for our freedom. I appreciate your sacrifice and continue your legacy by teaching my children to love this country that we live in!

Okay onto the post ...we usually go camping on this Memorial Day weekend, but due to our little one getting sick, me not feeling great, and the weather being so unpredictable - we choose not to go camping. We have however had a fun weekend in which we have gone Monster Golfing, seen a movie, played soccer in the backyard, had Great Grandma over for dinner and games, and decided to bring one of our favorite parts of camping to our backyard - s'mores!!!!

We invited over some family to enjoy our yummy treat. The weather was wonderful, the treats gooey, and the boys offered endless entertainment.

Happy Memorializing to you,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Is that ribbon in your gutter?

So I have seen vinyl rain gutter's used as book display shelves but I wanted to find a way to have easy access to my ribbon and to have an interesting way to display it. So why couldn't I banish my ribbon to the gutter?

Here's the finished look:

Supplies and the How-To:
*1 Vinyl Rain Gutter - 10ft (I got mine from Home Depot for about $5)
*1 Miter saw and miter box
*Gutter Braces/Hangers (also from Home Depot for about $1 each)
*Gutter End Caps (sold in pairs at Home Depot for about$6)

1. Measure the length you want your ribbon holder and then transfer that measurement to your rain gutter using a sharpie.  

2. Cut your rain gutter using the miter saw and box. You will need to use some muscle and be sure that the gutter is secure as it will slip.

3. Once the gutter is cut to size, slide the braces onto the lip of the gutter (see picture below).

4. After the braces are in place the end caps on each end - you can see part of the end cap in the above picture.

5. Place the braces at equal distances from the edge and then screw into the wall (you may need to use dry wall anchors if you are not screwing into a stud). Note: I placed my braces 10.5 inches from each end (the gutter is 52" long)

6. Send your pretty ribbons to the gutter! Please note that the larger spools of ribbon do not fit into the gutter but because I am a hoarder of ribbon (and fabric too) I still have a few (okay a lot) of ribbon still in drawers. 

* Because I still have over 5.5 feet of gutter left (and we purchased extra braces and end caps) I will be making some book shelves for my boys room! Maybe this will prevent the collection of books from appearing behind the bunkbeds - one could hope right?

Now get your mind out of the gutter and create something today,

Sharing the good stuff here:



Show and Tell Green

Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

Organize and Decorate Everything

Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Go Green and Gold!!!

We just got back from a visit to Colorado to witness the culmination of 3 years of conference calls, late night class watching, lots of reading, dozens of papers written, quizzes taken, tests and more tests, etc.... The boys and I witnessed the graduation of my dear husband from the distance graduate program at Colorado State University with his MBA!!!! 

I was a bit emotional watching him walk across the stage in his master's hood and regalia! Our boys were excited to hear daddy's name announced. My mom came out with us and my sister and niece joined us there (they live in CO). The graduation was also broadcast online where I know his dad watched and cheered along!!! 

Here was the end of a journey that began as a prompting from the Holy Ghost that my husband received while attending the October 2006 General Priesthood Session. I remember well the conversation we had that night after we had put the boys to bed (they were 4years and 6months). He told me about the impression he had while listening to President Hinckley talk. He felt strongly that he needed to further his education and we talked about the pros and cons of this venture. Wouldn't you know that in 2 months time not only had he researched many different schools, he was enrolled in the Distance MBA program at CSU and he was on his way!!! 

I just have to say that his schooling has NOT had a major impact on our family. That was a huge concern of mine at the beginning but he held true to his promise that he would not let it get in the way! He was able to negotiate a full time job, a busy church calling, being a soccer coach and baseball coach, and just being the amazing man he is! I so appreciate his determination, his ability to find balance, and I am so proud of his achievement! 

Way to go honey - we are so proud of you!!!

*** Just a interesting side note: all three of his alma mater's have the same school colors - El Camino High School, California State University Sacramento, and Colorado State University!!! Go Green and Gold

Pomp and Circumstance to you and yours,

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ta Da

... presenting, my new crafting area!!!! Happy Mother's Day from my boys!!!! Thank you so very much honey and my little ones for making this possible!

The desk cabinets were free (love Craigslist). We sanded them down, my youngest and I painted them, and my husband surprised me with putting them in my nook and adding hardware and the desk top! Trust me sanding and painting them was quiet a task seeing that I don't feel that well, but I was determined to have this finished.

My wonderful husband hanging the pegboard! He even added trim. 

This was waiting for me this morning. So spoiled and I am so indeed grateful for the love.

Ryan added a shelf, lights under the shelf and will install a vinyl rain gutter that will hold my ribbon!!! 

I love when my design sketches come to fruition and look so much better than I imagined. Thank you dear for helping me make the pencil drawings so beautiful in person!

I love the pegboard!!!! 

We just have a few more things to do to finish this craft area and then we will be able to move on to the nursery. Here's to hoping I feel less queasy soon so that I can take advantage of this space!!!

Happy Crafting to you,

Friday, May 07, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to you! Motherhood is a fun adventure, with never a dull moment. Three cheers to all the mother's out there.

To feel of your great worth as a mother please click on my Mother's Week posts from last year:

* Aren't we all mother's?

* Motherhood is not what was left over 

* Nothing less than the best

* It's about perspective

* No One Has More Influence

* Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mothering to you,

Thursday, May 06, 2010


My oldest son has a pretty great teacher this year and to show her our appreciation we have given her a little gift each day this week!

I borrowed a few of these ideas and then came up with some of my own. What are some things you have done to show teacher's the love?

Day One - O"fish"ally the best! You can use goldfish crackers too!

Day Two: Coming to the "Aide" - lemonade packets that you add to water. You could use lemon drops.
I didn't get a picture of the ones I made for Day 3 or Day 4 but above is the tag that went with it.

Day 3:
"Scent"sational - a container of air freshener, candle, or a plugin type of gadget, etc...

Day 4: Hugs and Kisses for all you do - a bag with Hersey's Hugs and Kisses

Day 5: You are worth 100 Grand! I have to admit I munched on a few of these 100 grand bars - I'm worth at least 100 grand too!!!

Many thanks to those who choose to teach and enrich my children!!! I'm glad we have you on our team as we raise our boys to become awesome adults!

Happy Appreciating to you,


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