Thursday, May 07, 2009

It's about perspective

Motherhood, I'm learning, is about perspective! I am finally (it's taken almost 7 years to get here) in a place where I have accepted that most days will be less than stellar, but that it is my choice to focus on the negative or to celebrate the positive. I HAVE to put on my "joyful" glasses and only look through those and see the joyful things.

Here are my thoughts on mothering based on the following scripture:

"And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain...the intent to do good - to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted." Jacob 2:19

There are times when I feel like I'm not giving enough in my efforts to keep the covenants I've made with my Father in Heaven, and in those moments I search out the scripture listed above to help me re-focus my perspective. The mounds of endless laundry is my way to serve my family and "clothe the naked;" the snacks, meals, and treats that I prepare are how I "feed the hungry" and when my little ones get sick or hurt I get to "administer relief." 

It's when I realize that these basic things (that I do every day) really are a significant contribution to building up the kingdom of God here on the earth that I feel better and am re-energized to continue in my efforts as a stay at home mom!

I really am so blessed!

Happy Mothering to you all, Megan


Bethanne said...

SOOOOO true. Dwelling on the positive is the only way to make it if you ask me!

Jenni said...

Thanks for that Megan. It really helps us stay-at-homers to feel like what we are doing IS super important and is the greatest calling given to mankind. That is a great message and it was good to be reminded and affirmed.


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