Monday, September 15, 2008

{The ABCs of Megan}

Me in Playa del Carmen, MX

A is for age: 31 years old

B is for burger of choice: I enjoy Blue Cheese hamburgers. Red Robin's makes this one Blue Cheese hamburger that is amazing!

C is for the car I drive: a 2007 Saturn Outlook (oh it is so pretty), and a 1997 Lexus (love the sound system and the giddy up)

D is for your dog's name: We don't have a dog. You know, the older I get the less I really want any pets!

E is for essential item you use every day: Toothbrush - very important and everyone should use one! I could name a gazillion other essential items, but that's the one that I want to highlight today!

F is for favorite TV show at the moment:I actually haven't been watching TV all that much. I have been more interested in reading.

G is for favorite game: Games are great and I love them all!!!! Let the good times roll!

H is for home state: California.

I is for instruments you play: Played is more like it - I used to play the Violin.

J is for favorite juice: Passion Fruit or Lime

K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: Not really the fighting type. I think I'm harder on myself than anyone else!

L is for last restaurant at which you ate: La Rosa Blanca - yummmmm

M is for your favorite Muppet: I always liked the Crazy Chef. Interesting that he would be my favorite, because I do not enjoy cooking. I just loved how he threw things everywhere.

N is for number of piercings: Just 2, one on my left ear and one on my right ear. I did have the top of my ear pierced, but that was some dumb college thing. That came out my Sophomore year in college.

O is for overnight hospital stays: I have had several surgeries and only had to stay over night with the 2 c-sections. (6 days in total).

P is for people you were with today: My boys and my honey.

Q is for what you do with your quiet time: Blog, Read, Yoga, Family History research, rest, sew, to name a few....

R is for biggest regret: I do have things that I would do or say differently, but I can't think of anything I regret. Everything I have been through has made me who I am - a quirky, opinionated, nutty - daughter of God.

S is for status: Happily married for 10 years!

T is for time you woke up today: 7:05am

U is for what you consider unique about yourself: Hmmmm - I can fit my whole fist in my mouth, I don't know. Maybe you can help - let me know what you think is unique about me!

V is for vegetable you love: I love veggies - my favorite would have to be..... sweet potatoes (baked like potatoes with butter and brown sugar in them, yummm).

W is for worst habit: worrying... I worry about EVERYTHING and drive myself crazy! I am constantly thinking of the worst case scenario for anything we are doing. It is annoying and exhausting.

X is for x-rays you've had: I've had a few on my legs and arms, turned out to be sprained. I've had many in the dentist office, over the years, and lots of ultra sounds.

Y is for yummy food you ate today: applesauce pancake with Cinnamon-sugar garnishing the top. You know you want some....

Z is for zodiac: Cancer and yeah I get crabby and I need my alone time!

1 comment:

Stefany said...

Okay THAT must have taken you awhile. I love it ! The applesauce pancakes sound really really good.


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