Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jar Full Of Beans

We have had a few weeks of less than desirable behavior here in our neck of the woods, about a month or so ago. I was so tired of having to always be correcting the negative behavior that I needed something to help focus more on the positive (while still disciplining for the not so stellar behavior).

So as I was looking through the different blogs I came across another’s idea of a Treasure Chest. Now I can’t take credit for this idea but I am totally blaming my inability to find or remember where I saw it at to my pregnancy/mother brain. I really wish I could give credit where it is due, but please forgive me. I have been scrolling through the blogs I subscribe to and I can’t find it. If you know who originally posted it, please let me know!!!

Anywhooooo, we had a family meeting where we discussed the behavior and attitudes of each of us and how it contributes to our family. We made a list of “rules” of how we ought to act and we all agreed on them.

I then shared with my boys their Treasure Chest Chart and their bean jars (the bean jar part is something I added to help reinforce the good and bad behavior). I explained that every time their father or I caught them doing good things and following the family rules we would add a scoop of beans to their jars. If they pointed out the good things they were doing, they would not get beans added. If they added beans on their own the result would be that I would empty their entire jar and they would have to start over. If they were observed doing negative things then their father or I would remove a scoop of beans from their jar.

Before bed each night we look at where the beans are and if they reach to the top of their name tag, they get to add a sticker to their chart. If the beans reach to the top of the jar, they will get to add 2 stickers to their chart. Once they have 5 stickers on the chart (with the 5th one covering the treasure chest), they get to pick something out of the treasure chest basket (which is filled with all sorts of toys and trinkets).

Note: When the beans reach the top of their name, I leave them like that for the next day. They get to start off with the jar so close to the top. When the beans reach the top of the jar, I empty the jars and they start over from the beginning the next morning.

I can’t express to you the change in behavior we have had. It does sound a little silly saying “I don’t want to take any beans out of your jar” but, after a week of doing this program, we rarely have to even remind them. They get very excited when they see us adding beans and it seems to hit home when they see us taking beans out!

There has been less raising of voices, more kindness and thoughtfulness, and an overall better feeling in our home!!!

What are some things that you are doing to encourage the good?

Happy Family to you,

1 comment:

Trent and Amber said...

Love the idea! We do something similar with a marble jar. Put a marble or two in for good behavior or helping Mom w/o being asked etc. etc. and lose a marble for not obeying etc. Works well! We let the girls decide what they want to do/get when they fill the marble jar. Anything from a family picnic at the park, sleep in a play tent in the bedroom, lunch with a friend, or sometimes a new little toy...stuff like that. Always nice to share ideas!

I was thinking about you the other day! I think youre about 28 wks. now and that's how pregnant I was on Trek last year! Seems like forever ago! It'll be over before you know it! Can't wait to meet your sweet baby! :) Love you!


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