Friday, June 25, 2010

It's Great to be Eight

Eight is Great

This last week was a pretty busy week with Twilight Camp, our oldest turning 8 and then to culminate the adventures, he entered the waters of baptism and became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints– we were so thrilled with his decision!

He is enjoying Cub Scouts and had a great week with over 200 other cub scouts at Twilight Camp. The highlight to him was shooting a bb gun! 

His birthday was celebrated by taken a few of his friends to see Toy Story 3 in 3-D, and then having lunch and cupcakes together.

The day after he turned 8 he was baptized. He planned the entire program (picked out who would speak, say prayers, and what songs he wanted to sing). It was a wonderful milestone in his life.

 Here are 8 things I love about our oldest:

1.   He is compassionate – I love that he is sensitive to others needs. Although he can be a bit emotional I wouldn’t want him any other way. I have a feeling this quality of being compassionate and sensitive will suit him well in his life!

2. He is athletic – I love watching him try new sports and enjoy seeing how easy it seems to be for him, most of the time. There are a few things he tries that he has to practice at, and this frustrates him, but he still tries!

3. He is smart – he has a great sense of others and the world around him. He may not be the most book smart kid in the world, but I appreciate that he has a good head on his shoulders and is well rounded!

4. He has an infectious smile and laugh – when you catch a glimpse of a true smile, his dimple shows and my heart melts. He has a great laugh and though he tends to be on the more serious side, it is so fun when you get the treat of his laughter!
5. He wants to be the best he can – sometimes this means he adds stress to himself, but for the most part he will keep doing something until he figures it out. He is not a stranger to frustration and tears because of this trait, but I admire his stick-to-it-ness!

6. He has a great sense of right and wrong – This is a good quality but does led to him telling people what they ought to do, making sure everyone follows the rules, etc… (Unfortunately and fortunately, he gets this from his mother).

7.  He is a GREAT big brother – even when his younger brother is being annoying, he tries really hard to play well with Little C! I know that his younger brothers (Little C and the one that will be here in a few months) can look to him and they will have a great example to follow!

8. He is helpful – if we ask him to do something, there is usually no complaint from him. He may need to be reminded a few times, but he will do it!

I love him and am so grateful that I get to be his mom!!!

Happy Memory Making to You,

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