Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Well, I survived! 25+ miles of walking, pulling, pushing, and getting very dirty!!!! All the time, planning, and hard work paid off in large dividends this past week as 148 youth from our stake, about 50 members of our young single adult ward, and some 140+ support staff felt the spirit of our Pioneer Ancestors and the sweet testimony that Heavenly Father lives and that His son Jesus Christ lives!

I was so impressed with the wonderful vignettes that portrayed some very tender moments in our LDS history (the Sweetwater Crossing to save the stranded Martin Willie Handcart company, the mustering of our men into the United States Army to become members of the Mormon Battalion, the farewell to our YSA as they went off to establish a settlement, Brigham Young declaring that "this is the place" - to name a few).

I was impressed with those who were asked to speak at key times along the trail. The sweet message by dear Sister Carrie Smith before all the women pulled and pushed those handcarts up a steep incline touched me deeply. In fact the woman's pull was a part that changed me! To know that our female LDS ancestors had to pull the handcarts across the plains and mountains brought me great strength during that difficult time.

In reflection of that moment, I am brought to tears each time I think of my experience pushing until I literally did not think I could any longer. When I reached that moment of pure exhaustion, the young men from our family took over. I can't help but relate that tender moment of rescue to the great sacrifice of our Savior!!!! I can see Jesus walking to the Garden of Gethsemane where he prayed mightily for me and you.

I can see him crying in the garden from the pain of the burden and I am so saddened that I have added to that burden. I can see Jesus on trail, being mocked and ridiculed. I can see him carrying the large wooden cross through the streets of Jerusalem and then I see him struggling up the Hill to the place of his death. I am in AWE by the rescue He performed for me!

I have a greater appreciation for those who sacrificed so much to ensure that we could benefit from practicing our religion as we choose. I have greater appreciation for my own ancestors, who were not LDS, but who also worked hard and sacrificed to make a better life for those who would follow. My testimony has grown significantly and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had with my involvement in the Pioneer Handcart Trek. Indeed our Savior called to those around him to "Come Follow Me" and I will do my best each day to do just that! I am a follower and a believer!

To see some pictures from this past week please check out our photographers images (the slide show is rather quick so I just click on the box that shows the images).

May we always strive to make our trek of life an amazing experience!

Happy Trekking, Megan


Unknown said...

So glad you had a great time! I have never been on a Trek but have heard similar accounts from other people. Off to look at all the pictures!!

Nathan Smith said...

Megan, check out the show again- I added 2 songs, so the images move at a much better pace: http://nathansmithphotography.blogspot.com/

or go directly to: http://photographyyoufeel.com/trekpreview/

Della Hill said...

It's been a while since I left a comment here, but I wanted to give my two cents on this one.
My husband and I were Pa and Ma for our stake this year.
It was an absolutely amazing experience.
I totally get what you mean about the womans pull and having a better understanding of the atonement after trek.
In addition, I now have an immense appreciation and respect for our youth.
The kids in our "family" blew me away with their awesome attitudes, willingness and ability to work, and incredible testimonies.
They were absolutely awesome.
What an amazing opportunity.
I am so glad you got to go and have this experience.
I think the adults get just as much out of it as the kids do.

Lance Christensen said...

No executive committee could have a better secretary and no family could have a better Aunt. Job well done, my friend. We accomplished everything we set out to accomplish and more and all it took was a lot of planning and a little faith.
Thanks for everything!


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