Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

Peanut #1 started his first day of Second Grade today and seemed to have a good day. He said he likes his teacher and some of the kids he didn't get along with so well last year were pretty nice to him today. I did get a call home from the front office saying he needed an ice pack because he said he got kicked on the playground, but other than that a pretty good day.

Big D and his teacher, Mrs. Morford

All lined up and ready to go in. This is only half the class - they are split up into two groups based on their reading skills and so they start at different times. [ Clarification - I didn't count the number of kids that were standing in the line and just assumed it was half the class. I'm not sure if there were kids missing or not but in total there are 23 kids in the class. Sorry for the misleading info]

So 3 cheers for a new school year!!!!

Happy Learning to you, Megan


Unknown said...

I bet when the school called on the first day you were a little worried :) Looks like a successful first day!!

The Talley's said...

Are you seriously saying there are only twelve kids in his class? Is that really half of the class??? Cole and Olivia's classes have 28-30 kids!

Kerri said...

Love the picture of Dallin with his back pack! He is getting so big, Megan! I am getting a little sad that Tyler will be starting next week.


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