Thursday, November 27, 2008


Note to reader: If you have not seen the movie "Twilight" you may not want to read on. I don't include any major information from the movie, but I do talk about it.

Okay - it's been nearly a week since I saw the movie Twilight and I am still not sure what to write! I had a great time with the ladies I went with (there were about 17 of us at the 12:01am and the 12:02am showing) and I especially enjoyed sitting next to my girl Jill, but the movie left much to be desired. The biggest thing for me was that I didn't find the actor who played Edward to match what Edward looked like per the books and Stephanie's descriptions. He didn't make my heart skip a beat! As he was casted and trailers/previews were released, I thought maybe I would grow to like him in that roll, but it didn't change after seeing the film.

I really enjoyed the baseball scene and the one in the dance studio, but I couldn't stand how Jasper acted throughout the film - he was creepy. I found the movie to be choppy and was really disappointed with the meadow scene and her first glimpse at him shimmering in the sunlight. I found some of the lines to be really cheesy (I mean - "spider-monkey" really)! Obviously movies made from amazing books don't always stand in comparison, but I was sure hoping it would be close. I do hope to watch the movie again and see if my feelings change. But for now, I will just reread the series and enjoy the pictures that come to my mind.
If you saw the movie, what were your thoughts?

1 comment:

Jennie Blaser said...

no comments yet? I liked the movie -- but I went in expecting to hate it, so I was pleasantly surprised. I thought Edward did a good job of being scary and different, rude, and nice, just like in the book. But, of course the book is so much better! The cheesiest part of all was the sparkle in the sunlight! It looked like he was sweating! gross!


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