Thursday, November 06, 2008

I am just so sad...

...that people think that Mormons, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, are the only people who supported the passing of Proposition 8 here in California. Why is it that we are singled out when it has been well advertised that the Catholics and several other Christian denominations supported this proposition as well?

There are about 700,000 members that live in California and you are telling me that we are the only ones who supported this when there were 5,417,748 people who voted in favor of this Proposition. Might I add that the money donated was from personal accounts of Mormons, Catholics, and members of many other Christian churches. So the riots that are taking place in front of our temples with the accusations that the church is at fault are really silly. Individual members donated money not The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Again, why is the hate only targeted at this church?

There was an article in the Sacramento Bee on October 13th that has been generating a lot of comments online. This is an except of one of those comments:

"Thank you mormons, and all others, who took a stand against the politically correct in hopes of defending the traditional meaning of marriage. A great person once said, "By thier fruits...". What do you think would have happened if Prop 8 failed? Would Mormons be rioting and protesting in the streets? Would mormons be mocking patrons of gay bars with hate and mocking? Would the blogs be full of hateful words? No one will ever be for sure, but I suspect the defeat would be more gracefully received." - deepaul wrote on 11/06/2008 08:44:10 PM

This issue has made me realize, even more than ever, that we are in the last days, that the world will get more wicked and we will have to stand ever so strong in our faith, even when it is unpopular! I was sent an email with this video attached. May we all seek to be our very best, to be tolerant of differences of beliefs and opinions, and to seek to do all we can to please our Father in Heaven!


Unknown said...

Oh yea theses are the last days. Great video, I wish people understood or even took the time to try to understand!

Jenni said...

Thank you so much for posting that Megan. Insight is priceless. I wish more people had it. And that video was so good. I felt the Spirit while I listened to those words. Thank you.

Amie said...


Stefany said...

Well said - I couldn't agree with your words even more.

Stefany said...

Hey - by the way - We are having the missionaries over for dinner on the 9th as well!

Diane said...

I totally agree with you, if prop 8 hadn't passed Mormons would not be throwing tantrums in the street. I wonder how long it will take for the courts to overthrow what the voters decided. Thank you for your support of prop 8. I don't live in California so I couldn't vote for it.


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