Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I told you so!

So picture this:

It's Sunday afternoon, my family got home from church before me (I was at another ward for their ward conference). I get home and take off my high heels and hear the boys running from their bedroom toward me. They give me a quick hug and then continue their mad dash out to the family room. I follow them and find them wrestling with each other. So I say "Boys, please stop rough housing, let's find something else to do. Someone is going to get hurt." Instead of staying out there to get them a puzzle or game to play I decided to go get some motrin for my sore muscles (I was a little sore from dancing so much at the youth dance the night before :-). I no sooner get the pills swallowed than I hear a horrible scream and then hysterical crying! So I race back to the family room and find Ryan holding Peanut #2 who has blood streaming from his mouth and Peanut #1 trying to get a wet cloth for C-man. After Big D gave the rag to his father he high tailed it to his room with tears in his eyes.

C-man had a 1/4 - 1/2 inch gash in his upper left lip. Apparently, while the boys were rough housing, they thought it would be a good idea to throw each other towards the couch as hard as they could. When it was Big D's turn to push C-man , C-man tripped and ended up hitting the bottom part of the couch face first (solid wood covered with fabric - no padding). It looks like maybe his tooth went through the lip.

So after I got Big D out of his room, letting him know it was an accident and that it would help C-man feel better if his brother were sitting next to him to make sure he was okay, I called the oncall doctor to ask her opinion about bringing him in or not. She recommended taking him to the ER and having them look at it to see if would need sutures as the gash was a good size and deep. Ryan recommended that we call our Bishop's wife, who is a nurse, and get her opinion.

So I called her and she said to bring him over! So I brought C-man over to her house, and she said that thy would most likely put a stitch or two in there but that she wouldn't bother bringing him in, because it will heel fine without them.

What an ordeal! The little guy has adjusted fine to eating on the other side and it seems to be healing nicely. I was so pleased with myself, I never once thought or said out loud - "I told you so!"

The day after the accident

Please parden the messy face but this angle let's you see part of the cut inside the mouth. Poor kiddo!

May you have an accident free day, Megan


Unknown said...

You are a better mom than me!! I soa would have blurted out "I told you so!!!!". Hope he is healing well and maybe he will get a good scar since boys love stuff like that :)

Ali said...

Ugh! We've had our share of lip injuries around here and my dad, a retired fire captain, says that part of the body heals fast on its own. Owen has an upper lip scar from falling while drinking out of a straw sippy cup that I'm sure will one day be a bare spot on his mustache!

Bethanne said...

Good for you, seriously.

And that is so something that would happen at my house. Leah tries to play innocent and altogether girly, but she can be just as rough and tough as the boys are. And there always seems to be an injury when they are all together with Dan! For no particular reason, it just works out that way! Sigh.

Another adventure along the pathway of life and motherhood, huh...

Tanja said...

I'm no nurse or doctor but from experience I concur that it will heal just fine. You won't even know it was there....We've had this happen more times than I can count. Good times!!

Emmy said...

Ouch! And so good for you, I totally would have said I told you so... man it is so easy to do.


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