Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It's been a whole week since Easter but I still want to post my thoughts about that miraculous event!
I love Easter - it is by far my favorite celebration. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas (the decorating, the baking, the gift making and giving, etc...), but Easter, oh Easter - the hint of spring in the air, the time with family, and the time I take to study and ponder the things that our Savior did for us. I cannot quiet comprehend the pain and sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf, but I am so eternally grateful that he did not shrink from the task that he so willingly accepted.

I just want to bear my testimony that Jesus is the Christ that was promised to us by our Father in Heaven. I am so grateful to have the scriptures because then I can read the things Jesus taught and did. I know that he took upon him the sins of all who have and will be born on the Earth. I know that he died on the cross and that he was resurrected - that amazing reuniting of his perfected body and his eternal spirit. And in so doing, he made it possible for all of us to enjoy that same blessing. I have great faith that we will see him again and I look forward to that day!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
Your Friend

My mom joined us for our Easter day!


Bethanne said...

The picture is so adorable. Carson's hair color kills me!

And thank you for sharing your testimony!

Unknown said...

It is a great day. I get a little sad when I see how commercialized it has gotten. Thanks for you testimony!

Karin Hopkins said...

You guys are such a cute family!
Thats so funny that you know Happi and Jon too.
We met up in our ward when we were in Plumas Lake (they live in Wheatland). We both had just had our first girls and have just kept in touch ever since. Its funny that you know her too. Small Mormon world.


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