Thursday, February 07, 2008

I wish I were....!!! This is Puerto Morelos, my favorite town in Mexico!

So I'm almost better, another couple days and my throat should be clear! I am getting my energy back and can't wait to start getting to the gym! I need to do it and I am determined to get in shape!

Do you ever have those days where there is so much to do and you can't seem to get any of it done! I know I shouldn't stress about the house being clean or organized but seriously I feel so much better when it is tidy! I can think straight, breathe easy, and just over all feel better! So my goal is to take one cabinet a day and just get rid of stuff I don't use! Maybe the warmer weather is kick starting my urge to Spring Clean! Whatever it is, I hope to lighten the load in my cabinets and closets! Not to mention the projects that we start but never quiet finish. I hope to start knocking out some of those things.

On a side note: Carson cracks me up! He loves to play and has no fear! Seriously! I know it won't be long till that kid is climbing trees, fences, etc... He loves to dance, play with Dallin, swing, color, and play with his trains! He says things like "I did it," "No," "Mama," "Dal," "Daddy," "GoGo," - that means car, "ChoCho" for train, and many more.

Dallin is doing well at school. It is so neat to see him reading and writing so well. He excels at math, but still prefers the social aspect of school. He is excited to play t-ball this spring (Ryan will be the manager for Dallin's team). Dallin loves music, loves star wars, gi joe's, transformers, playing games, riding his scooter, and many more things. It is so fun watching him learn and grow. Just today we were walking home from school and had one of his friends with us (he was coming over for lunch) and his friend mentioned that when we die that is it. Dallin told his friend that when you die your spirit goes to heaven and when Jesus comes back to the earth we will be resurrected so that our body and spirit will be back together forever! I was so very impressed! My little missionary teaching the plan of salvation to a buddy! It was great!


Ryan and Liz Meinzer said...

what adorable boys you have! i am so jelouse you went to mexico...i wish i could go and hide out there for a long time!!

FoxFamily said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend, Megan! Let me know if I can help you!! Spring cleaning is a good idea...


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