You will need 6 pieces of paper (mine are 8.5 x 11"), scissors, tape and a stapler.1. Begin by making each of the 6 pieces of paper a square. Fold one corner down to make the square and then cut the 2.5" that is at the bottom. (I sqribbled on one side of the paper so it would be easier to see the different size).
2. Fold down top right corner to make a smaller triangle piece of paper.
3. This is the tricky step and I will do my best to explain it. You will then cut 3 slits up to the folded "spine" starting at the bottom (which is where the 2 folded pieces come down on top of each other, not the point that is created when the paper was folded to make the triangle [See picture 3a. You start your cuts on the edge that can open the paper up to the bigger triangle from step 2). It is important that you not cut all the way through the spine.
Picture 3a (you will make your cuts to mimic the lines I drew on the paper)
Cut piece
4. Open the paper to the square.
5. Take the inner most cut pieces and fold them towards each other, overlapping. Tape them together.
6. Flip the square over. Take the next cut pieces, again working from the next set of cuts from the center - out and fold them towards each other, overlapping. Tape them together. This fold should be on the opposite side from the first fold.
7. Continue taping the cut pieces, being sure to flip the square to the opposite side before taping the next overlapping cuts. Repeat Steps 1 - 7 with all six pieces of paper.
The finished piece of paper
8. Take 2 pieces of folded paper and attach them together at the center with a stapler as shown below.
9. Staple the two bottom tips together as shown below.
10. Continue adding pieces 3-5 of the folded paper by following steps 8 and 9. (Pictures below are of the 3rd piece being added).
11. With the last piece of folded paper, attach the middle section with a stapler to the 5th piece of paper. Connect the bottom point to the bottom of the 5 stapled bottom pieces. Then finish the snowflake by stapling the 1st piece to the 6th piece at the center.
Attach to the 5th piece of paper at the middle section
Staple the bottom of the 6th piece to the bottom of the other 5 stapled bottoms
Complete by stapling the 6th piece of paper to the 1st piece.
The finished snowflake!
Now I just need a few more to add to my boys bedroom.
Note: You can adjust the size of the snowflakes by the size square you begin with. I hope the directions weren't too confusing. Let me know if you made one and how it went for you!
Very cute, Megan!
Super cute Megan... Here's a website where you can make cool virtual ones too. I tried out lots of different cuts, and then did them in real life. They turned out awesome... and my students loved it!
Yeah we have another project to keep us busy this week. Love it!!!!
That last one was Nette. Scott keeps forgetting to sign off and I keep forgetting to check.
Totally cute idea. I will have to put that one in my "bag." Another fun activity I haven't posted yet (because I was saving it for a family party) is wax paper ice skating. You pull off a slice for each foot, hit the carpet and go for a spin. It is so fun much. I don't know if it works on hardwood, but it is more slippery than I expected. We have been ice skating a lot in our home this season!
Merry Christmas!
You are awesome as always. Loved the little snow globes. Gonna put it on StretchMarks, okay?
Merry Christmas! We love you and miss you.
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