Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Look What's Popping Up

Our veggie garden is coming along nicely this year. Due to my pregnancy sickness, we haven't gone as gung-ho this year but in February we did manage to plant carrots, lettuce, peas, strawberries, and lemon cucumbers. We are starting to see things popping up in the dirt! The boys think this is pretty interesting, especially our youngest. He loves to give me garden reports. We will be planting tomatoes and some summer squash this weekend. It is a fun family activity and we definitely enjoy the fruits of our labors come harvest time!

C-man and his friend Princess M. (:-) helping make things grow!

Carrots - they actually are much taller now (this picture was taken a few weeks ago)

We are excited to see so many flowers on the strawberry plants. Last year we didn't have a single flower, which meant no strawberries!

Sweet peas! We actually have about 20 pea pods now and more flowers!!!


Lemon Cucumbers

Anybody have tips to help my sweat peas grow more profusely? I have seen some other gardens where they just have a very dense growth of peas growing. They just look so sad.

Happy Planting to you,


Stephanie said...

hi megan! i am impressed you already have your garden in, i keep thinking i need to get to it and haven't done it! you have inspired me!

Sawdust Girl said...

I saw you were a new follower and I wanted to come over and say hello. I love your garden. My daughter says our garden is pitiful and she wants more space...I think she would love to have some raised beds like these. I'll have to look into it and see what we can do. This is definitely inspiring.

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

Your garden looks fantastic! I wish we had the room for a veggie garden. We did small orange tomatoes last year and always herbs.
The funny funny thing is your whatchu talkin bout willis is awesome! We say that all the time! Love it!


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