Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Craft Corner in the making

To make room for baby, I had to find a place to move my craft/sewing room and we had the perfect spot that was being occupied by a broken piano (I had a piano tuner come out and tell me that it would cost as much as a new piano to fix it). So we had to get rid of this beauty. 

We were thrilled to find a smaller piano that we could put in our front room,

 ...hence making room for my craft stuff (or craft crap according to my husband ;-)

It is still a work in progress but here is what we have so far. Huge thanks to my supportive husband, IKEA cabinets, plastic storage bins from Target, and my handy-dandy label maker!

In between the cabinets I will add a table (on wheels), pegboard, and a few  shelves. I am getting so excited for it to be finished.

This is my sewing cabinet. It is so nice to have all my fabric and sewing notions in one place. The other cabinet is for all my craft/scrapbooking supplies (I am still in the process of organizing that one).

Happy Organizing to you,


Anonymous said...

OOOOH! I love it :) I recently organized my craft stuff too. It still makes me smile when I look at the cabinets.

So sad your piano isn't fixable :(

Sherri's Sharings said...


Trent and Amber said...

Oooh, exciting! I can't wait to see it finished! Gives me the urge to organize my crap, I mean craft area too. :)


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