Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Playing in the dirt

I have always loved playing in the dirt! I was a tomboy in a huge way and spent many hours outdoors as a child. I also love to garden! Now I haven't had much success with my landscaping but each year my vegetable garden does well. Some years I only plant a few things and other years we do more. Well this year we have some big plans for our side yard.

We will be moving the playset to the other side of the yard

Ryan has been adding stone to our decomposed granite pathway and he is making fine progress, despite the rain. This will be a nice addition to the stone that is currently in our back yard. 

Surveying his work! Nice job indeed!

Dallin has been a great help - pulling weeds, digging, getting water, etc. We are so lucky to have such a willing helper! 

Carson has tried to be helpful too! He has helped by picking rocks out of the ground and pulling weeds! Mostly he threw dirt and wanted to swing. He sure is cute!

We will soon be getting the large tree stump ground up (you can just barely see it over Ryan's shoulder - look for the stop sign and then look directly down to the grass) so the playset can move there.

In doing all of this we will open up quiet a bit of space for an expanded garden. We hope to try out square foot gardening and have plans to plant about 68 sq. ft of vegetables and to rotate our crops so that we can get veggies almost year round! The boys are excited to pick out the seeds for the veggies they want to plant and well, Ryan and I are trying to get to the point of planting. We will be getting seeds soon - I'm soooo excited!

My question for you is: What is your favorite vegetable to grow and/or eat?


Bethanne said...

Oh, girl. I have a black thumb extraordinaire! :)

But we LOVE zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, broccili, green beans, and corn. Yummmmmm. I'm hungry just thinking about it. Sigh. Plant some good ones for me. :)

julie said...

There is nothing better than home grown tomatoes

Unknown said...

We love to grow the little grape tomatoes!! My kids eat them like candy :)

I am so jealous of you being outside working in the yard! I really need spring :)

Tanja said...

I loved it the year we grew lettuce. It's the best lettuce I've ever had. Tomatoes are truely divine. And I love green bean. We did a few bush beans that same year but included some pole beans as well...which I recommend if you're wanting more for your space.

Amie said...

How fun Megan! I want to come and see all the work you guys have done. A big garden is in my plans when we finally get something done with our yard. You'll have to give some pointers.
And I love home grown summer squash, tomatoes, zucchini & potatoes. Yum! Those were the best mashed potatoes I have ever had. Of course anything home grown is yummier!


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