Monday, February 16, 2009

Dinner Table Conversations

I'm not sure what you all talk about around your dinner table, but we usually talk about what happened during the day: how school was, church was, what was our favorite thing, what would we change, etc... We also hear a lot of "I don't want that" or "gross" and other kind things like that (yes that should be read with sarcasm).

The other night was an especially colorful conversation at dinner time. I must first first say that we are trying to teach our boys manners and one subject that we try to avoid at the dinner table is potty talk. It happens from time to time, but we try to change the subject and not make a big deal out of it. I'm not quiet sure why boy's think it is so funny to talk about their bodily functions and why they must share their burping techniques at the table, but it is hilarious to them.

Well the other night, we were enjoying dinner together and Peanut #1 asked to be excused 3 times to use the restroom. (For about 3 days straight he has had to visit the potty, every 20 minutes or so, even at school). So anyhooo, to the point of this post.... Upon his return from his 3rd potty break he declared to us : "When I'm older, I'm going to put on big people diapers so that I don't have to get up and go to the bathroom all the time!" Way to aim high my boy and thanks for sharing (especially at the dinner table)!


Zwinggi Zoo said...

We've had funny conversations like that. Emma is very interested in the science of how the body works, it makes for interesting conversation.

Unknown said...

Why Why Why must boys talk like that at the dinner table? I don't get it, and neither do my girls. And don't even think of them out growing it. Mine are 13 and 11 and it still goes on :)


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