Friday, January 09, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

So my bags are packed, everything is ready on the home front, the boys bags are packed for a fun weekend with the grandparents, I am excited to spend a weekend away with my husband in Vegas (he is there for work and I was going to join him for the weekend), and wouldn't you know.....

...this week I have been thrown -up on; done about 10 loads of laundry in 3 days (that's alot for our small family); had to cancel a haircutting appointment; washed my hands a gazillion times; washed and sanitized the bathroom toilet, couch and other surfaces that have been used for target practice; been woken up several times each night; did I mention my husband is out of town; baked cookies and banana bread for a neighbor who's husband just passed away (yes, I washed my hands. Those who know me know that I am a bit of a germaphobe); given many hugs and kisses; barely eaten myself - I am just soooo tired; and the kicker of it all - I had to cancel my plane flight and am about to unpack my bag.

I'm not gonna lie - I am in tears and very frustrated! Everytime my dear husband leaves town - someone in the house gets sick. EVERYTIME! I'm not exaggerating! It is just an annoying coincidence. So while I clean up throw up and do loads upon loads of laundry and try not to cry about not being able to step on that plane and meet my husband in Vegas for a weekend getaway, I will try to remember my new year's resolution to serve and count this experience as a lot of service.

Thank's for letting me vent!


Unknown said...

NO!!! that is not how I wanted that post to end!! I am so sad for you but I must say I am glad that we are not going now either! Hope everyone gets feeling better soon and you can stop getting thrown up on.

You two will need to get away some other time!

Diane said...

My kids always get throw-up sick when my husband is gone. It stinks, because he doesn't mind cleaning it up and I hate it.

So sorry about your cancelled trip. Hope you guys can get away soon.

whitney said...

oh man, i'm sorry. that's happened to me before when my husband was in chicago and i did the same thing... cried. a lot. when he got home he sent me to a really nice hotel by myself for a weekend of shopping and sleeping in. maybe you should spring for that... ryan's a very attentive husband, i'm sure he'll take care of you when he gets back. :) i hope it gets better soon.

Ashley said...

Maybe, the key is a surprise get away. Your husband needs to plan it and be spontenious, so no germs, flus, or colds even have a chance of ruining your time away. I read the first sentence of your post earlier, but was distracted. I had been thinking, oh how nice to have a get away. What a bummer to catch the rest of the post. I hope it ends very soon. I'll say a little prayer for you.


Melissa said...

I'm sorry this week has been so hard!!!! ((hugs))

Bethanne said...

That does happen. Every time in your house. I'm so sorry...of all the darned luck. I have not been feeling well myself and swamped with work (on the verge of tears that I feel so overwhelmed!), but I should've followed my prompting to call you. Forgive me! You are amazing...and hang in there...

Jaimee said...

Oh Megan, that is awful! I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. I totally understand the value of a weekend getaway. Hopefully you can reschedule another one SOON!

Amie said...

What is it with Ryan leaving town? How does "the flu" know? There has got to be some way to trick "the flu" next time. Maybe spring it on "the flu" next time and not give it the time to plan it's attack.
And I'm so sorry you didn't get your getaway with Ryan. :(


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