Sunday, June 28, 2009

As strange as the man was....

...Michael Jackson was absolutely the King of Pop!

I was at Girl's Camp when I was told that Michael Jackson died! My first reaction was shock! Despite the scandals of the last few years, I was taken back to the 80's and the Thriller record! I would play that thing over and over and practice his amazing moves in my bedroom until late in the night! I would open the record cover and just stare at him in the white suit laying there with the tiger! I would watch MTV and wait for his music videos to come on (remember when they played music videos)! As his skin color changed and his nose got smaller, I still thought he was a legend - weird but still pretty amazing!

I wonder if people felt this way when Elvis Presley died? I was a newborn when he passed. He was an icon for his time, but wasn't such a great role model near the end of his life!

So as a way to acknowledge his dancing greatness and his music that brings back fond memories, I have uploaded many of my favorite MJ songs onto my music player! May you be taken back to the days when he looked like a fine young black man! TURN UP THE MUSIC and DANCE!!!!!


Unknown said...

I had the album too! I thought it was so cool how it opened up to that picture! We watched VH-1 for a little bit this weekend, they were playing all MJ stuff. It was a fun little trip done memory lane.

Lisa said...

i too love michael jackson. i was so sad to hear he died. he was a strange man with a very horrible childhood but regardless he was the best musician out there. so incredibly talented!!! i had that record and i also had his "doll" - red jacket and silver glove and all :) last night they did a special on VH1 of all his videos. erik was laughing at me cause i can still remember all the words. he's amazing


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