Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hudson is Walking

Today Hudson decided he wasn't content crawling around anymore! He has taken his first steps! Check out the video from this evening! He has taken a few unassisted steps throughout the day, but this is a video of him really walking! Not really ready for him to be walking (he is only 8 months).

http://youtu.be/C9TP1bzNpEk (for some reason I can't get the video to embed so click on the link and you should be able to view it in you tube).

Why can't he stay my baby longer? 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stand A Little Taller

"We are all children of God, and there is something of His divinity within each of us. We are of the family of God, with such a tremendous potential for excellence...

You will find your greatest example in the Son of God. I hope that each of you will make Him your friend. I hope you will strive to walk in His paths, extending mercy, blessing those who struggle, living with less selfishness, reaching out to others.
The prophet Moroni declared, “In the gift of his Son hath God prepared a more excellent way” (Ether 12:11). You have the witness of that faith. You have the testimony of that faith. You have the example of that faith. Let us all try to stand a little taller, rise a little higher, be a little better. Make the extra effort. You will be happier." 
President Gordon B. Hinckley, "The Quest for Excellence," Ensign, Sept. 1999, 2-5. (Emphasis added by me)

So, I have had a lot on my mind since Mother's Day and since this is a place for me to record my thoughts I just wanted to share that there is nothing wrong with me in my desire to improve myself (key word here is myself not Sister Somebody or Sister SoAndSo). 

This desire to improve my talents, learn new things, strive towards making my home a comfortable/clean/organized space once originated with the idea that I needed to be this perfect mormon mother (being a convert to the church I assumed that there was a certain standard for how one must be or act). I have since realized that we are not perfect - there is no perfect mormon mother example. But the very purpose for us being here on the earth is to work at being more like our Savior - so I have focused my desires on this knowledge, trying to be the best daughter of God that I can be. 

I have heard many women counsel me to aim a little lower, or to not worry so much about things that are important to me (like a clean house or doing crafts or writing Thank You notes). As a Type A person, I realize I add extra stress to my life because of my personal drive to be better. Sometimes this may stress me out but for the most part it helps me to improve upon my weaknesses. I have accepted that this is who I am and I am okay with my quirkiness and nuttiness. 

Well this past Mother's Day I have finally realized that although others may be fine with aiming lower it isn't in my nature to do so. I'm not comparing what I can do and give to what other's can do and give - I do not feel that my way is better than someone elses, it just simply works for  me. I am working on MYSELF!!! I will continue to follow the counsel of our past prophet and current prophet and apostles in that I will strive to work on me and aim a little higher, stand a little taller, be a little better. 


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